2017’s Best Movies

by Dan Russo

IT (R)

Good horror movies are always a good indicator of it being a good year for movies. A viral hit and a well adaptation of Stephen King’s iconic novel, it stands out in a decades long library of his works. IT is a diamond in the rough of Stephen King’s questionable transitions from page to screen. It is memorable more for its believable character development and excellent writing than for being a scary movie. That does not mean at all that you should not watch it. While time will tell if it has a lasting legacy like Stand by Me or Stanley Kubrick’s iconic adaption of the Shining, it’s still worth a watch.

Blade Runner 2049 (R)

The sequel to the 80s sci-fi cult classic, Blade Runner 2049 plays off everything the original film set up years ago, and recaptures its vision of a colorful, yet dark futuristic Los Angeles. Slow and meticulous with a foreboding synth soundtrack, this film keeps audiences locked in a trance as it explores what it exactly it means to be human. Blade Runner 2049 is a must watch for any fan of sci-fi. Those who watch it will find an engaging, thought provoking story. To many it’s the best movie of the year, and has many reasons to be, despite it being overlooked this awards season.

Baby Driver (R)

Edgar Wright’s newest film is a fun, action packed, and an accomplishment in film editing. The most notable part of this film is its fantastic editing. Almost every action is tied with the films awesome soundtrack. Every gunshot and gearshift matches with a piece of Baby’s personal soundtrack, giving it just the extra bit of punch it needs. It will be hard to watch an action movie after this one without the musical timing. That’s not to say that the slower parts are boring either. The slower parts are just as entertaining and intense as the action scenes themselves. For those looking for a fun movie to watch with some friends, this is the one.

Coco (PG)

Coco is Pixar’s first major step in almost ten years. A company known more for their boring and repetitive sequels as of recent, Coco was more than just a pleasant surprise. It is a new breakthrough for Pixar. The weirdest thing about this movie is that Disney didn’t even have faith in it, having to a throw in a Frozen short to incentive people to even watch it in the first place. Coco undoubtedly is one of the most beautiful animated films ever made, with so much color and personality stuffed into every frame. It really is a feast for the eyes and is certainly worth your time.

The Disaster Artist (R)

Based on a book of the same name, the disaster artist is as meta as it gets. Most bad films nowadays are made bad on purpose such as Sharknado or the second Birdemic film. 2003’s the Room is a completely different story. It was a train-wreck in every way, and this retelling of what happened hit the nail right on the head. The man behind it all, Tommy Wiseau was genuinely trying to make a good movie, but it just turned out as one of the most unintentionally funny dramas of the past decade. Writer, director and actor James Franco captures Tommy eccentric mannerisms to a T. Definitely worth a watch especially if you’re a fan of The Room already.

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