Where We Droppin’, Boys?!

By Dan Russo Epic Games’ Fortnite has made one of the best turnarounds in recent history. What started off as an expensive early access game with middling reviews and low player interest is now one of the most played games today. How did this happen? In September, Fortnite released its free Battle Royale mode, which … Continue reading Where We Droppin’, Boys?!

2017’s Best Movies

by Dan Russo IT (R) Good horror movies are always a good indicator of it being a good year for movies. A viral hit and a well adaptation of Stephen King’s iconic novel, it stands out in a decades long library of his works. IT is a diamond in the rough of Stephen King’s questionable … Continue reading 2017’s Best Movies

Facebook Live or Facebook Dead?

By Dan Russo With the dawn of mobile phones, Face-Time, and a massive new market for live streaming, it is no surprise that Facebook and Instagram have jumped on the live streaming bandwagon. However, it seems as they were ill prepared for the terror that would quickly ensue. Facebook’s quality assurance has had their work … Continue reading Facebook Live or Facebook Dead?